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Residential noise

We do not consider the following noise as antisocial behaviour:

  • General living noise - ‘General living’ includes noise such as vacuuming, walking around, doors opening/closing, general conversations etc
  • Children playing noise - Play is an essential part of every child’s life and vital for the enjoyment of childhood as well as their health, wellbeing and development. Although some types of behaviour can be annoying,children playing in the street or communal areas is not antisocial behaviour
  • Baby crying - If you have concerns about the welfare of a child, please contact Norfolk County Council’s social services safeguarding team on 0344 800 8020 or report any concerns online. If you feel a child is at risk of immediate harm, call the police on 999
  • General DIY noise - such as decorating, drilling and hammering, furniture assembly. If the DIY noise is persistent or happening at unreasonable times, you might consider having a friendly chat with your neighbour and let them know how its affecting you.

How to deal with noise

If you are disturbed by any of the noises listed above on a regular basis, you may want to have a friendly chat with your neighbour to let them know how this is affecting you.

We have put together some tips to help you resolve problems with neighbours. If, for any reason, you are unable to speak to your neighbour in person, you may want to download and use our ‘Dear Neighbour’ card.

If after contacting your neighbour you are unable to resolve the problem, you can access our independent mediation/conflict resolution service.

Report noise

You can report a noise nuisance to us using the online reporting form.

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