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Mediation/conflict resolution service

Catch 22 provides a service for us to help people who are finding it difficult to resolve a dispute with a neighbour. Where both parties do not agree to mediation, Catch 22 may be able to provide a service to help manage conflict resolution. This can include problems with antisocial behaviour like noise or verbal abuse.

Mediation does not need to be undertaken in the presence of the neighbour you are in dispute with in the first instance. Catch 22 can offer a service of shuttle mediation when they speak to both parties separately to help resolve issues.

This is a confidential service designed to help people reach an agreement and improve relationships.

To request a referral or make an enquiry complete the online form. Catch 22 will respond to you within five working days.

Request a mediation referral

Q&As about the service

Q. Is this service free?
A. Yes.

Q. Do I have to meet my neighbour?
A. No, we can arrange shuttle mediation where the mediator ferries information to and fro until agreement is reached.

Q. Do I have to take part?
A. Mediation is voluntary and participants are free to withdraw at any time.

Q. Will I be blamed?
A. No – mediation is a ‘no blame’ process. The mediators are not there to judge who is right or wrong but to enable participants to put what has happened behind them and move forward in a positive way.

Q. Does it work?
A. Catch22 Mediation Service has evidence to show that mediation does work and sustainable solutions have improved future relationships.

Q. Where and when do meetings take place?
A. Meetings will take place at a venue and time that is mutually convenient and agreed by all.

Q. Is mediation confidential?
A. Yes. We will not share information without your permission. We will only use personal details for statistical purposes. However, the mediator would have to report any concerns raised about the safety of a child or vulnerable adult.

Agencies with an interest in the disagreement will be told what has been agreed but only if the participants give their consent.

Registered charity no. 1124127

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