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Civic regalia

Norwich has one of the finest collections of civic regalia in the country - these include a sword, maces, a fine collection of plate silver and chains worn by The Lord Mayor and Sheriff at official functions.

In the Middle Ages the Monarch was the centre of political power and the great sword and maces of the regalia were often real weapons. The maces were used by his sergeants-at-arms for pushing people out of the way.

In 1404, Henry IV granted Norwich a charter allowing it more power to govern itself. Its Mayor and Sheriffs, elected yearly, were to have a sword as well as maces carrying the King's arms.

These emblems of monarchy showed that the city was acting with authority delegated by the King. Norwich was, and is, extremely proud of its rights and this is reflected by the preservation of the magnificent sword and maces.

The regalia is now held at the Castle Museum.

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