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Norwich is going through a challenging period of rapid change and development. Over the past few years, the council has been working to prepare planning strategies and local policies to shape and deliver the growth Norwich needs sustainably and responsibly.

This document, the Site allocations and site specific policies local plan, identifies sites across the city to accommodate growth between now and 2026. These site allocations will help secure the supply of land for new homes and employment opportunities in Norwich. The site policies set out in the document will also guarantee our natural and historic environment is preserved and the needs of our communities are met.

Alongside the Development management policies local plan, this local plan will set the parameters for the council’s decisions on new development proposals in the city over the next fifteen or so years. Both documents will replace the previous City of Norwich replacement local plan adopted in 2004.

The local plan has evolved over a long period from its inception in 2009, coinciding with a major review of planning policy nationally. Throughout this period we have considered how the plan might best respond to these changes and taken account of the many valuable suggestions for improvement to the plan put forward through consultation and independent examination. We are confident that the adopted plan will provide a strong, sound and effective planning framework to move Norwich forward into the next decade, offering the right balance of certainty and flexibility to respond to the changes and challenges we face.

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