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Closed consultation: Regeneration at Mile Cross

The consultation started on Thursday, 2 March and closed at 5pm on 15 March 2023.


Norwich City Council has written to people living near our new housing development site at the former Mile Cross depot. 

We are collecting their comments on the proposal to help inform the development before a planning application is submitted. 

Anyone else who would like to comment on the proposals, can do so by emailing the address given at the bottom of this page. 


Norwich City Council is working on redevelopment proposals for the former Mile Cross depot site. 

The site has been allocated for redevelopment for several years and the city council is now preparing a planning application for housing in the eastern part of the site.

The plans include a mix of one, two, four and five-bedroom homes (65 flats/houses) in this first phase of development. 

The design and layout have been drawn up to respect the character and appearance of the area and limit any impact on neighbouring properties. The buildings will vary in height from two to three-storey, with a contemporary and energy efficient design. 

Consultation document

Regeneration at Mile Cross presentation

How to comment

If you would like to provide any comments/views about the proposal, please email Andy Scales (NPS) by 5pm on Wednesday, 15 March, 2023 in order that these can be considered. 

Privacy notice

The information you provide in this consultation will be used to inform NPS Norwich, Norwich Regeneration Ltd (a Norwich City Council company) and Norwich City Council on the public opinion, and future decisions, on the proposed plans for the redevelopment of the former Mile Cross/City Works depot site.

Personal data (name and email address) will be kept private and confidential by NPS Norwich and will not be passed to third parties (including the council).

Your email address and any additional personal details you provide will not be retained. Upon reading your response, any non-identifiable data will be copied from your correspondence and then the email, including your contact details, will be deleted.

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  • ask for errors to be corrected
  • restrict how your information is used
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  • request that your data is deleted.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office if you are not happy with how your data is processed.

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