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Consultation closed: Norwich City Council's budget 2022-23

Consultation closed 19 January 2022

Your views matter

An important part of this budget-setting process, is hearing from you – as many of you as possible – on whether you agree with the proposed Council Tax level and what you think about our spending plans for the coming year.

Our consultation for the budget of 2022-23 will run from Monday 13 December 2021 until Wednesday 19 January 2022.

What you tell us will all be gathered, analysed and included in a report published on our website. 

Your response will also help inform final proposals which will be considered by council (the meeting of all 39 elected councillors) at its budget-setting meeting on Tuesday 22 February 2022.

This consultation is to directly inform and influence the overarching budget and funding to be allocated to projects – an agreement in principle. We will consult further and in more detail on specific projects. Sign up to receive our email updates which will alert you to new consultations, so you can take part.

Alternative formats

If you (or anyone you know) need a printed copy of the questionnaire or require information in an alternative format, ie EasyRead, large text, audio, Braille or a community language, please call the council’s customer services team on 0344 980 3333.

Please note that our customer services team are unable to answer any detailed questions about the budget consultation but can take your details and ask for an appropriate member of staff to get in touch.

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