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Closed consultation: Argyle Street, Norwich

Consultation closed on 17 November 2021.

Artist's impression of Argyle Street

Artist's impression


We have written to residents that are near our new housing development site on Argyle Street in Norwich.

We are collecting their comments on the proposal to help inform the development prior to submission of the planning application. 


The land at Argyle Street (which measures approximately 0.32 hectares) has been allocated for housing redevelopment in Norwich City Council’s Local Plan and was formerly a housing site.  

The ‘emerging’ proposal is to redevelop the site to provide a scheme for 14 new affordable homes including:

  • 6 x 1-bedroom flats 
  • 5 x 2-bedroom houses
  • 3 x 4-bedroom houses

The design and layout have been carefully formulated to respect the character and appearance of the area and limit impact upon neighbouring properties. The buildings will be two and three storeys in height and have been designed to be of traditional appearance and materials.

The houses all have a private rear garden and a parking space. The block of flats has an area of private amenity space and access to a central area of shared open space which will serve all residents to help create a strong sense of community. The flats will not have assigned car parking given the close and accessible proximity to local shops, public transport, and other amenities however, it’s proposed that there will be one parking space for visitors.

The development provides an area of public open space to the front of the houses facing Southgate Lane. These properties will overlook the footpath, open space and play area and will offer good natural surveillance and a safe and secure environment. 

Consultation documents and maps

How to comment

If you wish to provide any comments/views regarding the proposal, then please email Richard Smith (NPS) at in order that these can be considered.

The consultation starts on 27 October 2021 and will close on 17 November 2021.

Privacy notice

The information you provide in this consultation will be used to inform NPS Norwich and Norwich City Council on the public opinion, and future decisions, on the proposed plans for the development of the site on Argyle Street.

Personal data (name and email address) will be kept private and confidential by NPS Norwich and will not be passed to third parties (including the council).

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  • ask for errors to be corrected
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