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Closed consultations: Public Spaces Protection Orders

Closed consultation: Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) - Dog Fouling

Consultation closed 5 April 2021

The proposed PSPO makes it an offence for a person (who is control of a dog) to leave dog faeces in a public space once their dog has fouled.

Why is the PSPO required?

Dog fouling is widely considered to have a negative impact on an area and is unpleasant for residents and visitors. Direct contact with dog faeces can have health implications.

The council provides bins in public areas across the city which can be used by dog owners. If no bins are available, dog owners are encouraged to dispose of the waste at home. 

How will the PSPO be enforced?

If a person breaches the PSPO and fails to pick up after their dog, they will be issued with a £100 Fixed Penalty Notice (reduced to £70 if paid within 10 days). The individual will be taken to court if the fine is not paid within 14 days. A person guilty of an offence is liable on summary conviction to a fine up to £1000.

The PSPO will be enforced by authorised officers of Norwich City Council.  

Are the rules the same for assistance dogs?

There are exemptions to the PSPO for individuals who are registered blind or have a disability which prevents them from clearing up after their assistance dog.

What area is covered by the PSPO?

The proposed PSPO covers land open to public access across the whole of Norwich.

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