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Interim Polling Places Review 2020

Consultation closed on 23 October 2020

The Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013
Representation of the People Act 1983 Schedule A1

Interim Review of Parliamentary Polling Districts and Polling Places

The council is undertaking an interim review of its polling districts and polling places to deal with polling places that have become unavailable or where changes need to made due to boundary differences due to the county and city council elections taking place on 6 May 2021. 

The consultation period for the review commences on 5 October 2020 and will end on 23 October 2020.

During this period, the council is seeking your views on it's polling places. Maps showing the existing and proposed polling places to be reviewed will be available on the council’s website from Friday 9 October 2020.

Your comments as to the suitability of the polling stations to be used at the designated polling places and of their accessibility to electors who are disabled would be most welcome.

As part of the interim review, the Acting Returning Officer's proposals for polling places and stations have now been published.   

The existing arrangements and proposals will be available to view on the council's website at and in person at Norwich City Council, City Hall, Norwich, NR2 1NH (please note that City Hall is currently closed to the public)

Representations can be made by:

Details of all representations received will be made available for inspection.

The council will consider the review proposals at a meeting of the members polling district review group and any changes to be approved at a meeting of full council to be held on 24 November 2020.

For further information about the review, contact the democratic and elections manager, Stuart Guthrie by emailing or phoning 0344 980 3333.

Stephen Evans
Acting Returning Officer

5 October 2020

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