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Closed consultation: Essex Street highways improvements

Consultation closed 17 July 2018

Essex Street is a direct route for journeys by bike between the UEA/west Norwich area and the city centre.

The consultation looks at low cost measures to improve the existing well-used cycle contraflow facility, reducing conflict for all users.


The proposals will deter driving against the existing one-way restriction and offer better protection of the cycle lane with the following measures being considered:

  • Making the 20mph speed restriction clearer
  • Changing the junction priority where Essex Street meets Suffolk Square
  • Marking out a 1.8 metre wide bay for parking on the north side of the carriageway
  • Marking 20 metre of new no parking restriction (double yellow lines).

How to comment

Please submit your views by: emailing or by writing to:

Norwich City Council
City Hall
St Peters Street

Please make sure that you include your own address along with any comments on the proposals.

The deadline for responses is Tuesday 17 July 2018.

Data protection/privacy notice

The information you provide in this consultation is to help the council make decisions about whether to make highways changes on Essex Street.

Personal data will be kept private and confidential and will not be passed to third parties.

To respond to this consultation you will need to provide a name and address. Where contact and other personal details have been provided these will be retained for seven years. This is the standard recommended period when implementing highways improvements and changes.

See the privacy notice for TRO consultations (opens in a new window) for more information on how we process your data.

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