Consultation closed 31 January 2018
We are proposing to redesign the Earlham Green Lane/Larkman Lane road junction and install a mini-roundabout with traffic calming features. The reason for this scheme is to lower traffic speeds and make the area safer for all road users.
The design includes:
- installing a mini-roundabout
- footpath buildouts
- replacing the existing speed cushions outside No 135 Earlham Green Lane with a new speed hump outside No.133 Earlham Green Lane
- moving the existing pedestrian refuge island from outside Nos. 133/135 to outside No.132 Earlham Green Lane
- converting a section of segregated cycleway/footway to a shared unsegregated cycleway/footway.
How to comment
Any comments you wish to give on the above proposals must be in writing to and received by Wednesday 31 January 2018.