This consultation closed on Tuesday 7 November 2017
Amended proposal to replace signal crossing with zebra crossing
We previously consulted on removing the existing signal crossing on Constitution Hill outside Sewell Park Academy and replacing it with a zebra crossing on a raised table, further to the south, outside house numbers 92 and 94 Constitution Hill.
A report was taken to Norwich Highways Agency Committee on 21 September with the consultation results. Councillors made the decision to replace the signal crossing with a zebra, but keeping the crossing in the existing location. This road notice is to inform the public of this decision and to advise where to send written comments.
A notice of this amended proposal was advertised in the Eastern Evening News on Friday 13 October 2017.
Consultation documents
The road notice and plan provide details of the proposals.
How to comment
Any comments you wish to give on the above proposals must be in writing to and received by Tuesday 7 November 2017.