Consultation closed 11 July 2017
We are proposing to remove the existing signal crossing on Grove Road, south of Victoria Street, and replace it with a zebra crossing.
The reason for this replacement is that the signals have come to the end of their life. An assessment has been carried out on the suitability of the existing crossing and it was concluded that a zebra crossing in this location would be more appropriate. A zebra crossing gives priority to pedestrians, helps raise awareness of other road users to drivers and is less demanding in maintenance.
This consultation is being carried out in association with the cycle scheme for Brazengate that Norfolk County Council is proposing, detail of which can be seen on
A notice of this proposal was advertised in the Eastern Evening News on Friday 16 June 2017.
Consultation documents
The road notices and plan provide details of this proposal:
Any comments you wish to give on the above proposals must be in writing to and received by Tuesday 11 July 2017.