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Closed consultation: Angel Road/Waterloo Road proposed cycle improvements

This consultation closed on Friday 24 February 2017.

The scheme proposals are to improve the Angel Road/Waterloo Road area for cyclists by:

  • redesigning the junction of Angel Road and Waterloo Road
  • traffic calming on Angel Road and Waterloo Road which enhances the proposed 20mph zone in the area.

For the Angel Road/Waterloo Road junction we propose two options which are designed to slow traffic down and help cyclists and pedestrians to cross Waterloo Road. We are asking you to tell us your preferred scheme and also add comments or object to any of the proposals. 

In summary the options for the Angel Road / Waterloo Road junction are:

Option 1

  • Replace the existing signalised crossing outside No.135 Waterloo Road with a signalised Toucan crossing to assist cyclists and pedestrians to cross.
  • Convert the surrounding footpaths into shared cycle track/footpaths to give a safe route to cyclists and pedestrians from Angel Road to Shipstone Road.
  • Extend footpaths to help slow traffic.
  • Install a 30-minute limited waiting area outside Nos.118 and 120 Waterloo Road.

Option 2

  • Replace the existing signalised crossing outside No.135 Waterloo Road with a zebra crossing with cycle crossing provision and provide a similar zebra crossing to the south of the junction outside No.116 Waterloo Road. These modified zebras assist cyclists and pedestrians to cross.
  • Convert the footpaths on all four sides of the junction into shared cycle track/footpaths to give a safe route for cyclists and pedestrians in all directions.

These proposals are intended to improve road safety for all users in this area and to provide better facilities for cyclists and pedestrians.

A notice of this proposal was advertised in the Norwich Evening News on Friday 27 January 2017.

How to comment

 If you would like to record your preferred option, comment on or object to this proposal, please do so by emailing The deadline for responses is Friday 24 February 2017.

This project is part of Transport for Norwich and is being delivered in partnership with Norfolk County Council. For more information on all schemes for the Transport for Norwich initiative, please visit the county council’s website at

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