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Community asset transfer application process

There may be times when council owned community assets used by community and voluntary organisations are returned to us, are surplus to requirements, uneconomic to traditionally maintain or could be better run by the community themselves. 

We are permitted to review these assets and decide whether offering them to voluntary or community groups at low or no rent would present a benefit to the city and residents which offsets the loss of potential income.

As such, we have developed a policy on using this process as well as guidance for groups who would like to explore the potential of taking on a council-owned building. This includes making every opportunity open to all groups and entertaining a wide range of potential uses, putting the outcomes for local residents at the heart of the decision making process, as well as ensuring that any group enquiring has a full breakdown of costs and liabilities which buildings bring.

The application process

Applications for community asset transfer will be considered on a case by case basis and applicants will need to meet the criteria set out in the policy document.

Community asset transfer policy

We have a two-stage process with an initial expression of interest and if that is successful, the development of a business case.

Guidance for submitting an expression of interest

Community asset transfer timeline

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