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Citizen – Autumn 2021

Published 31 August 2021

Message from the leader, Alan Waters

“Sociable cities are built on democratic participation and the sharing of ideas.  There are plenty of opportunities to have your say”

As leader of a city council, it won’t surprise you that I’m interested in what other cities are doing. Over the years we’ve developed some strong networks, not just in the UK but also internationally – such as through our twinning links and as a UNESCO City of Literature.

Cities generate new ideas. Sometimes this is out of necessit– to survive tough times or respond to rapid change. Sometimes it can be through a burst of creativity and innovation.

This got me thinking about the work of Professor Peter Hall. He was an urban planner, who by the time of his death in 2014, had written over 50 books exploring the ways cities change and the impact this has on the way we live and on our planet.

In ‘Cities in Civilisation’, Hall took examples from history to explain how creative solutions, drawn from many different disciplines and different voices, were necessary to get the best outcomes for cities.

He was a great supporter of the ‘Garden Cities’ movement which started in the 19th century. He wrote about the need for the reinvention of ‘Sociable Cities’, to provide better lives for their residents. Hall felt it was smaller cities which would be best placed to do this.

Norwich, as a medium sized city, understands the value of connecting people – evidenced in this issue of Citizen with articles on major investment in digital connectivity and improvements in our parks and leisure facilities, among other examples.

Sociable cities are built on democratic participation and the sharing of ideas – take a look at the invitation by the Norwich Good Economy Commission article to share your thoughts about what a good economy should look like.

Building a sociable and connected city is always a work in progress. It works best when we all have the opportunity to make our contribution.

News in brief

Don’t miss out on your chance to vote

Is everyone in your household registered to vote? 
Each year, local authorities are required to make sure their voter records or electoral register is up to date by conducting an ‘annual canvass.’ For the city council, part of this involves sending out a canvass form to households in the city, or an email, asking them to confirm the names of everyone who is eligible to vote.

Do I have to respond to the annual canvass?
By law, you need to make sure your household records are correct. If you have received an email or a letter that states you need to respond, you need to do so. If you have any changes to your property, you need to inform us accordingly. Any questions, please contact

If you’re new to a property and haven’t yet registered to vote, you don’t have to wait for a form – register online at 

Citizen magazine shortlisted for prestigious award

The city council’s communications team – who collectively write, edit, proof-read and design this magazine – have been shortlisted for a number of awards.

Thanks to the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR), which hold regional awards to celebrate the best work in communications and public relations, the team has achieved recognition in the Anglia, Thames and Chiltern area by being shortlisted in three categories.

The team is up against stiff competition in ‘Best publication’ (Citizen magazine), ‘Best public sector campaign’ (#ProtectNorwich) and ‘Outstanding in-house public relations team’. One team member has also been shortlisted for ‘Outstanding young communicator’. We have all our fingers and toes crossed for the awards on 5 October!

For more information visit the CIPR website.

Changes to housing allocation policy

Norwich City Council’s housing allocations scheme, Home Options, has been updated  to make sure that people in most need are able to find a suitable home. With almost 4,000 people waiting for a home at any time, it’s hugely important that  the council’s allocations policy is prioritising  applications effectively.

Changes to banding criteria are designed to help families living in overcrowded homes and high-rise blocks, as well as bringing local policy into line with the Homelessness Reduction Act and relevant benefit legislation.

The changes came into effect in August following public consultation and cabinet approval. Current applicants whose banding was affected by these changes were contacted directly.

You can read the policy at 

Our glorious parks and green spaces

The city’s parks and open spaces have all played a major role in helping residents over the past year, they’ve created a haven for exercise, connecting with nature and play.

The council has secured additional money through a variety of programmes including the Towns Deal, Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Pockets Park funding to make our outdoor spaces even better.
Here are a handful of the projects we’ve been working on recently to protect and improve these much-loved places across the city.

Bowers Avenue play park
This park was reopened to the public earlier in the year and the area now benefits from brand new play equipment, including two new double swing sets, a climbing frame, and a cantilever swing. There are also safety grass mats under the swings, a new level access path and picnic table.

Waterloo Park
The pavilion, in the heart of the park, has undergone some essential changes so it could be reopened to the public by The Feed who offer a delicious range of food and drinks. The beautiful Sandys-Winsch room upstairs also provides a community space for groups to meet.

West End Street 
Work to improve the multi-use games area on West End Street was finished this summer. As well as new sports fencing and goals, the old surfacing was carefully removed to protect tree roots and a new sports surface was installed further away from the trees.

The gardens on the street have also had a recent makeover with improvements made along the path which now offers places to sit and relax, along with a variety of new plants to improve the biodiversity of the area.

We know how important it is to have accessible, clean, and working toilet facilities within our parks and Earlham and Sloughbottom Parks have both had major refurbishments over the last few months.

Councillor Matthew Packer, cabinet member with responsibility for parks and open spaces, said: “Parks and open spaces play a pivotal role in shaping the health of the city and the wellbeing of its residents. We’re so fortunate to have such wonderful, biodiverse areas of space around us for play, exercise, walks and to simply enjoy nature.

“It’s great to see the outcome of months, sometimes years, of planning and hard work to secure additional funding for these improvements to take shape and be enjoyed by the community.”

Are you doing the right thing with your waste? Together, let’s #ScrapFlytipping in Norwich

As part of the Norfolk Waste Partnership, Norwich City Council has signed up to a county-wide campaign to help reduce fly-tipping.

The #ScrapFlytipping campaign educates people that they are responsible for their waste, even if they pay someone else to dispose of it for them, and to always check for a waste carriers’ licence.
Did you know?

  • Over 80 per cent of items fly-tipped in the county could have been taken to the recycling centre for free
  • If your waste is fly-tipped, by you or by someone else on your behalf, you could face a £300 fixed penalty notice or an unlimited fine and/or imprisonment
  • Leaving items beside street bins and recycling banks or on the floor of communal bin areas is fly-tipping

How you can prevent fly-tipping…

  • Suspect all waste carriers. Don’t let them take your rubbish until they provide proof of registration. Note their vehicle’s registration plate
  • Check that a waste carrier is registered on the Environment Agency’s website (
  • Refuse any unexpected offers to have your rubbish taken away
  • Ask how your rubbish will be disposed of – seek evidence of this

Paperwork must be obtained: a proper invoice, waste transfer note or receipt, including a description of the waste being removed and the waste carrier’s contact details.

We all have a legal obligation, or duty of care, to ensure our household or business waste is disposed of correctly. The best way to stop organized fly-tipping is to make sure that only authorised waste carriers take your waste away.

Read more about fly-tipping.

Helping you to keep active this autumn

Riverside Leisure Centre
With the evenings drawing in and temperatures set to start cooling, now is a great time to take a look at how you can keep yourself in shape indoors.

Riverside Leisure Centre – run by Places Leisure – has a host of superb facilities including a state-of-the-art gym, a 25m pool and learner pool, exercise studios and a health suite. Our premium membership allows for unlimited gym use and group classes, alongside access to the pool for lane swimming and fun exercise sessions.

You can also access free software to keep track of your progress, including the Places Locker app to manage your membership and use of SWIMTAG technology to track your aquatic performance.

Four juniors can be included in the price of your membership – meaning the whole family can get involved!

If you’re a frequent traveller, it might be worth taking a look at premium plus membership which allows for access to all other Places Leisure facilities nationwide.

Swim safely!
Being able to swim is a crucial life skill which may keep you safe in unexpected situations. We are proud to deliver some engaging, interactive swimming sessions designed to build confidence and technique in learners.

With sessions tailored for all ages, it’s a great way of having fun and keeping safe.

Find out more on the Places Leisure website.

Norman Centre
Based in Mile Cross, The Norman Centre is also fully open once again, with no restrictions on the range of activities offered.

Facilities available include the Xtra Mile Gym, bowls hall, areas for racquet sports and an activity hub. There is also a wealth of family activities and clubs to keep your younger ones occupied.

The popular café also reopened in late July after a period of closure.

Democracy is for everyone

Part of the reason Norwich is so dynamic and vibrant, is the active role many people are prepared to take in their communities – from the volunteers who make up our friends’ groups and help care for open spaces, to running kids’ clubs and other activities in community centres; and so much more.

Councillors play a vital role in bridging the gap between their wards and the decisions being made at City Hall. They have a passion for community and want to make a difference to local life.

There are 39 Norwich city councillors (also referred to as members), people who have been democratically elected to represent local interests. Following the city council elections in May and the Sewell ward election in June, the political make-up of the council is:

  • Labour: 26
  • Green Party: 10
  • Liberal Democrats: 3

This is the council’s main decision-making body and meets more frequently. Each cabinet member is responsible for a range of services, known as their ‘portfolio,’ which includes services such as housing, waste and recycling, and finance.

Together, they recommend the budget which goes to council for approval and make decisions on how services are delivered in line with policies and to budget.

Following the local elections in May and in light of Councillor Maguire – former cabinet member for safe city environment – taking up the role of Lord Mayor of Norwich, two new councillors have been elected to cabinet. This now brings the total number of members to nine. You can find out more about our cabinet and their responsibilities on our website.

Get involved
Did you know that members of the public and the media have the right to attend meetings of full council, cabinet and other committees – except where confidential information or exempt information is likely to be disclosed? You can also submit questions in advance. Find out more about our meeting procedure at 

Have you ever thought of becoming a councillor?
You don’t need experience and the greater the mix of people, the more effective they can be at representing the views of local communities.

To find out more about your local councillors, registering to vote or standing for election, visit our elections and voting page.

Two city councillors tell us more about the role

Councillor Lesley Grahame
“My nursing career inspired me to become a councillor. I always wanted to send people home to a better situation than the one that made them ill, often repeatedly. Air quality, housing, food security, loneliness and so on are public health issues. Communities need holistic care as well as individuals.

“I’d recommend getting into local politics because everyone matters, and we can make a difference together. You can’t change the world on your own, but you don’t have to because you’re not on your own.”

Councillor Emma Hampton
“I became a councillor after becoming interested in politics and realising how much of a difference councils can make to people’s lives – from providing housing and supporting the most vulnerable, to strengthening the local economy and showing leadership on the climate emergency.

“I would certainly recommend getting involved in local politics to anyone – whether that’s keeping in touch with your local councillors to let them know your views, or even considering standing for election yourself!”

Smarter ways to access council services

Contacting your local council is something we all need to do from time to time. The quickest and easiest way to make requests, payments and find local information is to sign up to My Account.

Let’s go paperless
Let’s face it, the only thing we want to see landing on our doormats these days are takeaway vouchers, birthday cards and Citizen magazine!

Sending council tax bills by post to thousands of residents is not cost effective or environmentally friendly. Help us make your council more efficient by signing up to e-billing today.

You’ll need to sign up to My Account and have a copy of your council tax bill to hand to make the switch to e-billing.

No more hold music
Want to check your council tax balance, apply for a parking permit or track the progress of your fly-tipping report? You can get this information when it suits you via My Account.

Personalised information in one place
Bin collection days, contact details for your local councillor and details about local planning applications tailored to your address can all be found alongside your customer information held in My Account.

Need help getting online?
Free support is available at Digital Hubs such as libraries and community centres across the city. Find out more about Digital support.

Sign up now:  

Your business to support our businesses

Throughout the pandemic the city council has done everything in its powers to help local businesses access grants they’ve been entitled to and to provide help and guidance with Covid-safe trading via its Covid support officers.

Since the first lockdown, we’ve awarded 14,000 grants to 2,700 businesses, totalling around £73m.

We remain committed to working with our partners, such as the Business Improvement District, Local Enterprise Partnership,
2040 city vision network and the police to support our hard hit businesses as much as possible.

Alan Waters, leader of the council, said: “I’m immensely proud of the way so many colleagues across the city council worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic to support our local businesses.

“But the bigger picture is how we can each play our part in supporting our local economy to assist recovery from the huge threat that Covid continues to pose.
“We can do this in a variety of ways – including shopping local as much as possible and enjoying the amazing variety of hospitality venues we have available to us on our doorstep”.

Don’t forget – if you’re travelling into the city by car, we have three multi-storey car parks for you to choose from: Rose Lane, St Andrews and St Giles. For prices and further details visit our Parking page.

Norwich Town Deal

Laying the groundwork for east Norwich regeneration

Last year, cabinet members gave the go ahead to begin the master planning process for an ambitious regeneration scheme – to create a new urban quarter in the east of the city with the potential to create hundreds of new homes and jobs.

East Norwich presents a regeneration opportunity that will be transformational for the city.

The masterplan will help guide the development process using a coordinated approach to help meet challenges and make the most of opportunities.

Who is producing the masterplan?
Consultants Avison Young, Allies + Morrison, Hydrock and RPS have been working on producing the masterplan for the area, which is being steered by the East Norwich Partnership (ENP) – a public-private body composed of a number of key stakeholders.

Masterplan work so far 
The consultation team has been in a ‘listening and learning’ stage, identifying the aspirations, objectives and expectations of all stakeholders and the wider community. They’ve also been doing their own research across a diverse range of key topics and issues, from the economy and property market to flooding restraints and heritage assets. A public drop-in event took place in July where people had the chance to learn more about the process, ask questions and feedback – also made available as an online survey.

What happens next? 
All the learning and evidence will be combined into a series of plans that highlight the constraints and opportunities for the development of the area. From here a ‘concept’ masterplan will be developed, but these ideas will be subject to further engagement and consultation.

You can learn more about the master planning process on our East Norwich Regeneration pages.

Chair of the East Norwich Partnership, Councillor Mike Stonard, said: “East Norwich presents the city with a regeneration opportunity that could be transformational. Developing a masterplan to inform our decision-making going forward is crucial to its success.

“There’s much work to do but we’re now well underway in what is shaping up to be a very exciting opportunity for the city, its residents and businesses.”

Revitalising our city through regeneration and development

We are committed to looking for ways to regenerate the city for the good of our residents and businesses. Here are some of the exciting projects we’ve got going on.

Kings Arms – Mile Cross

Work has started on the old Kings Arms pub site in Mile Cross to turn the former eyesore into much needed social housing.

In its place will be five new homes, built to eco-friendly ‘fabric first’ design to help reduce energy use and ensure compliance with emerging standards for low carbon heating and hot water.

The former pub, which has been standing empty for several years, became a target for fly-tipping and antisocial behaviour, was bought by the council last year through a compulsory purchase order.

This is a fantastic example of where a previously dilapidated and unusable building will be repurposed into lovely new homes for our residents.

Norwich Town Deal

Many of the regeneration projects across the city are funded by the £25m Towns Fund that was awarded to Norwich in 2020 from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government after the council put forward plans to deliver eight key projects. Here are a couple which are already underway.

Public Realm project

As part of the Public Realm project, which involves redesigning and regenerating public spaces in the city, a recent consultation has been carried out around changes to St Giles Street.

This part of the project looks at creating a better environment in which to enjoy the area on foot, thereby encouraging people to take their time to explore local shops and cafes – all of which helps to boost income for local businesses.

The consultation was carried out by Norfolk County Council as part of their project for connecting the Norwich Lanes – which also included a new riverside footbridge between Duke Street and St Georges Street as well as making the temporary measures to remove general traffic on St Benedicts Street and Exchange Street permanent.

Digi-Tech Factory ready for a September start

The finishing touches are being made to one of Norwich’s most distinctive new buildings as City College Norwich’s Digi-Tech Factory nears completion.

The first students to use the new building will start in September, studying everything from IT and computing to games design. Part funded by the government’s Towns Fund, the £11 million building is a stunning addition to the college’s Ipswich Road campus.

The Digi-Tech Factory will bring together the very latest in technology, teaching and learning with the creativity for which City College Norwich is already well known. To reinforce the links, the new building has bridge corridors into the college’s creative arts building, another highly distinctive architectural presence on the campus.

It will also bring together the college’s digital skills provision into a single, purpose built building with state-of-the-art capabilities, and it means that Norwich and Norfolk will see significantly more students and apprentices gaining digital qualifications.

College principal Corrienne Peasgood said: “It has been brilliant watching the Digi- Tech Factory take shape over recent months.

“The smooth progress of the build, and the extensive work that has gone into future proofing the building, is a huge testament to everyone involved.

“We are really excited about the difference the Digi-Tech Factory is going to make for digital skills training in the region, with our first students set to benefit from this September.”

Read more about all the projects and work involved by visiting our Town Deal pages.

Warming up homes in Norwich

Eighty families and individuals experiencing fuel poverty in our region have received a huge helping hand thanks to funding to install free gas central heating to some of the coldest homes in the city.

Norwich City Council, alongside teams at Broadland and South Norfolk Council, have worked to successfully install 80 gas central heating systems on the Templemere estate.

The project was fully financed through the Warm Homes Fund – an external fund focused on reducing fuel poverty in the UK. The residents received the installations for free with landlords paying a third of costs in private rented homes.

The whole of the estate has also now been connected to the gas mains, meaning any future installations will be far quicker and easier.

Most homes on the estate were previously heated by inefficient electric storage heaters and warm air systems which are expensive to run. This project has been a huge success for all involved and has helped to ensure the estate is suitable for habitation for many years to come.

But the work doesn’t stop there, the city council will continue to follow up on any rented properties that have not yet been improved under the scheme, as well as working on insulation and solar energy retrofitting in the city with the additional £1m funding we’ve also secured.

Stay warm for less this winter

People are typically in their homes much more over the winter months, and this year will likely be no different. In fact, with energy wholesale prices hitting a three year high earlier this year, this winter will likely see high energy bills for a lot of people.

Heating and powering your home can have a significant impact on both your wallet and your planet, but fortunately we can offer some great solutions to these concerns. 

Our council-run energy provider Roar Power is here to offer you renewable energy and great customer service at competitive, reliable prices. Powered by award winning Octopus Energy, it’s our way of helping the city get clean energy for less. Find us online for a free quote!

We also run the Norfolk Energy Switch scheme, a collective switching initiative to find you the cheapest short-term deal for your energy needs. We only work with providers who offer 100 per cent renewable electricity, meaning you don’t need to compromise on price or eco credentials.
Getting a great deal on your energy is quick, easy and free! Register online today on the Big Community website or, if you would prefer to get your bills in the post, call us on 01603 989578.

Insulating your home can also reduce your energy bills and carbon footprint – our Cosy City scheme can help you find out more. Please email us at to ask how we can help.

Opening doors in your community

The Norwich Good Economy Commission (NGEC) is a research collaboration between Norwich City Council, The University of East Anglia and other local organisations, with a mission to explore how we can achieve an inclusive and sustainable economy for Norwich.

It is an opportunity for people to reflect on their experiences and have their voices heard throughout the wider community, and we are currently seeking enthusiastic participants to contribute to a new initiative.
OPEN DOORS is a fresh new project encouraging people to share creative and varied stories of their experiences, thoughts and aspirations on living in Norwich. We are especially keen to hear from those who feel underrepresented within their communities.

The project’s mission is to creatively explore ideas about people’s priorities, experiences and sense of community.

A fun community-building game has been developed to initiate and encourage conversations with participants. Through the social and collaborative approach to games, we anticipate people will develop and express what matters most to them in their lives.

There will be future opportunities to provide creative expressions around your ambitions for the city, and the potential barriers to achieving them – so keep your eyes peeled!

Councillor Alan Waters, leader of the council, said: “We are always looking to find new ways of engaging with our communities.

“We want everyone to feel they have a voice, and giving people the platform to have their say is a hugely important responsibility for us.”

There will be updates about how these projects are progressing via the NGEC website

Welcoming back our services

Following much intense preparation, earlier this year we brought some key services back into more direct council control.

We formed a new company called Norwich City Services Ltd (NCSL) to deliver these services on our behalf, with our environmental and facilities management services the first to transfer to the new company in April.

These had previously been delivered in a joint venture agreement with Norse, but as we wanted to take more direct control we decided to bring those arrangements to an end.

We have invested significantly into this project; from building a new depot, to procuring new equipment, and improving terms and conditions for transferring staff.

Hannah Leys, managing director of NCSL, said: “We are very pleased with the smooth transition and bedding in of services across the company over the last few months.

“A huge amount of preparation has gone into this transfer, and fortunately that dedication has paid off and has shown in the service delivery and high levels of employee engagement.”

Our building maintenance and repairs services will also be provided by NCSL from April 2022, while our property services will be moving back to the council directly at the same time. Both of these are currently provided in a joint venture arrangement with Norse.

The new building maintenance and repairs service will be established with a completely new job and customer management system that will improve customer experience.
NCSL will also be buying a new fleet of vehicles to support the service, alongside a multitude of updated tools and equipment – all of which are needed for a modern looking service fit for our residents.

Councillor Alan Waters, leader of the council, said: “Bringing these services back has been a clear priority for the council over recent years, and I would like to thank everyone within the council and the new company for their dedication in moving this forward.”

Your chance to win a pop-up stall on Norwich Market

The city council will be offering one small local business the chance to win a pop-up stall on its award winning Norwich Market in the run-up to Christmas.

A number of the city’s independent businesses, which are now based in shops, have started life on the market and a pop-up stall is the perfect way to try out trading in the centre of Norwich.

The competition will be launched via the council’s website and social media channels this autumn and the winning business will have the stall for one week at the end of November/start of December.

Councillor Matthew Packer, cabinet member responsible for markets, said: “Norwich Market is a vibrant and exciting place to trade in the heart of the city centre, attracting a wide range of customers.

“We’d like to give a local business looking to move into a physical shop or permanent stall the opportunity to come and try out all the market has to offer.”

Norwich Market does not let pop-up stalls to food businesses, because of the equipment needed, so please don’t apply if you’re a food business as you won’t be eligible. We’d encourage different types of business to what’s already available on the market.

The details:

  • The winning business will have use of the pop-up stall, free of charge for one week, from Monday, 29 November until Saturday, 3 December*.
  • The stall will be approximately 7.5ft deep, with a frontage that is 9.5ft wide
  • There is an electric roller shutter at the front and a sliding door for access on the side
  • Each stall has electricity, which is included in the prize – there is an overhead light and usually four double electrical sockets. The maximum cumulative load for these is 7KwH
  • The stall can be decorated with any non-permanent items, including bunting, PVC signs etc. – these must just be removed before you leave
  • There are two loading zones alongside the market
  • Public toilets are located next to the market
  • If you enjoy your time on Norwich Market and would like to trade again, you can contact the markets team at the council.

If you are interested in renting a pop-up stall or a permanent stall on Norwich Market, please visit our website for more information 

For more information about Norwich Market, visit 

Keep checking our social media channels for full details of the competition:

@Norwich Market 

*Subject to any government Covid-19 restrictions

Giving children the best start in life

The Lord Mayor and Sheriff of Norwich – Cllr Dr Kevin Maguire and Caroline Jarrold – have chosen Home- Start Norfolk as their civic charity appeal for 2021-22.

Statistics from End Child Poverty Coalition in 2020, estimated Norwich as having 34 per cent of children – that’s 9,497 – living in poverty, the highest level in Norfolk.

Home-Start Norfolk aims to give children the best start in life, working with parents to address difficulties at the earliest opportunity for the greatest impact.
The charity provides support for issues such as poor mental and physical health and wellbeing, family breakdown and bereavement. The help can range from a listening ear, to accompanying families to medical appointments, helping manage household bills, to healthy eating advice and preparing children for nursery or school.

Daniel Williams, chief executive of Home-Start Norfolk, said: “The focus on early years isn’t just about making a difference to the lives of families today, it’s about raising the next generation of adults, and creating a more nurturing society for them to live in.”
All funds raised through the civic appeal will go directly towards supporting Norwich based families.

To donate between £1 and £20, text ‘CIVICCHARITY’, followed by the amount to 70085, eg:

  • to donate £3, text: CIVICCHARITY 3
  • to donate £5, text: CIVICCHARITY 5
  • to donate £10, text: CIVICCHARITY 10

Find out more about the civic charity, how to donate and the work of the Lord Mayor and Sheriff.

Planning for a cleaner future

A new five-year action plan has been created to reduce air pollution levels in the city.

It sets out measures the council, along with partners such as Norfolk County Council, will introduce over the next five years to reduce pollution levels to below national objective levels, focusing on some key areas within the city.

Our previous plans have enabled eight of our monitoring sites that were previously above the national objective level to fall below it.

There is still more to do though, and traffic continues to be the main source of nitrogen dioxide pollution within the city centre and hence why the council are looking to implement solutions to reduce this pollutant.
The proposed measures include:

  • upgrading the bus fleets to cleaner engines
  • extending the low emission zone on Castle Meadow to encompass nearby streets which will also broaden the engine switch off enforcement area
  • reviewing various road junctions to ease congestion and improve transit for pedestrians and cyclists 

The action plan was approved at Cabinet on Wednesday 9 June and submitted to Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) later that month. When the plan is approved it will be available on our Air Quality pages.

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