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Nature reserves

Mousehold Heath

This is the largest local nature reserve in Norwich (92.2 ha). Formerly heathland the site is now mostly covered by broad-leaved semi-natural woodland.

Trees include oak, birch beech and lime. The ground flora and shrub layer are generally both poorly developed and much bare ground is present. Some patches of acid grassland remain. Gorse often dominates in these area.

Where heath remains, the heather struggles to survive invading gorse and bracken. The boundary of the site also includes a number of sports pitches where the grass has been improved.

There is a clay-lined pond, which sometimes dries up in the summer. It is used heavily by breeding frogs in early spring.

Species of interest include: heather (mainly Calluna and some Erica), lizards, woodland birds.

Access: this is probably the most heavily used local nature reserve in the city. It is popular with dog walkers and local residents. A large number of informal paths intersect the site.

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