Organisations and local councils with responsibilities for flood risk management.
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
- Planning for national flood emergencies
- Grant aid for land drainage works
- Funding EA flood management activities
Environment Agency (EA)
- Ensuring the maintenance of main rivers
- Monitoring and forecasting river levels
- Providing and operating flood warning systems
- Category One Responder to local and national emergencies
- Lead authority for flood risk management in England and Wales for main rivers.
Norfolk County Council (NCC)
- The Lead Local Flood Authority - co-ordinates local flood risk management
- Highways drainage
- Ditches and balancing ponds on NCC land, also responsible for bridges and culverted watercourses under the highway
- Category One Responder to local and national emergencies
- Enforcing maintenance of land drainage by riparian owners where the highway is affected
- Road closures
Borough, City and District Councils
- Ditches and balancing ponds on Borough owned land
- Category One Responder to local and national emergencies
- Providing temporary accommodation in an emergency
Norfolk Resilience Forum
- Brings together Category One and Two responders, plus supporting agencies to plan for, respond to and recover from to emergencies in Norfolk
- Publishes the Community Risk Register for Norfolk
- Provides emergency preparedness advice
Anglian Water
- Flooding from public foul, combined and surface water sewers
- Flooding from burst water supply pipes
- Ditches and balancing ponds on AW owned land
- Category Two responder to local and national emergencies
- Mains water
Internal Drainage Boards (IDB’s)
- Provision of flood defences and water level management in low lying areas
- Maintenance and protection of key watercourses
Parish Councils
- Advising agencies of local flood issues
- Implement relevant parts of their emergency plan until more help arrives
- Ditches on parish council owned land
Private householders and land owners
- Land drainage on their own property
- Watercourses where they are the riparian owner
- Protection of their own property from flooding
- Repairing flood damage to their own property