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Local Development Scheme

The Local Development Scheme (LDS) sets out our timetable for preparing and reviewing the documents which make up the development plan for Norwich and the more detailed supplementary planning guidance which supports it.

The latest version of the LDS runs from December 2021 until further notice.

Local Development Scheme

The LDS will continue to be reviewed to take account of the recent adoption of new Local Plan documents and supplementary planning documents (SPDs) as well as setting out a forward programme for future strategic planning work in Norfolk.

The LDS identifies when different development plan documents would be produced. These include the documents making up the adopted Local Plan as well as SPDs which provide additional detail on how certain policies will be implemented. Further details of the documents in preparation are on the emerging planning documents page.

The progress of each document included in the LDS is considered in the annual monitoring report produced by the council each year.  


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