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What are development management policies

18.      Planning applications must be determined in accordance with the development plan for the area unless material considerations indicate otherwise. This Development management policies local plan forms part of that development plan for Norwich. Its main purpose is to set out local standards and criteria against which planning applications for the development and use of land and buildings will be assessed.

19.      Since it is only one part of the Norwich development plan, it is important that this document and its policies are not read in isolation. As part of the plan making process, policies within the Development management policies plan cannot repeat the JCS, but must explain how its policies will be applied at a more local level and to define the circumstances in which planning permission will or will not be granted. Development management policies must be consistent with the JCS.

20.      Similarly the policies must conform with - but not repeat - national planning policy contained in the NPPF and the technical planning practice guidance which supports it. For completeness, references are provided for each policy directing the user to other policies, documents and the relevant evidence base which has informed the plan and which may need to be considered when determining applications. Where national policy and guidance has changed since the plan was published, this is noted in the list of references. This list is not exhaustive. All policies relevant at the time applications for planning permission are determined will be taken into consideration.

21.      The DM policies plan contains 33 policies, broadly based on the themes of the JCS. Supplementary text is also provided for each policy, giving further detail, explanation and clarification.

22.      Published alongside this DM policies plan are the following documents as required under the relevant regulations:

  • A Policies map illustrating the policies of this plan and the individual sites which are subject to more detailed proposals in the Site allocations plan. The Policies map forms part of the plan and must be read alongside it;
  • The sustainability appraisal of the plan, a technical summary of the report and the council’s responses to its recommendations;
  • The environmental statement;
  • The adoption statement.

23.      A series of background topic papers and technical studies provide further evidence and explanatory material to support and justify the proposed policies. These are available on the council’s website at

Table 1: Key stages of the DM policies plan

Stage Actions Date
Evidence gathering and consideration of options   January - October 2010
Public consultation Consultation on the draft policies January - March 2011
Initial review of plan to take account of consultation feedback Includes separate assessment of implications of the draft NPPF April - December 2011
Further internal review and independent testing for soundness Includes making further changes to respond to the final published NPPF January - July 2012
Pre-submission consultation Opportunity for public comments on the soundness of the proposed submission document August - October 2012
Submission Submission to the Secretary of State April 2013

Independent public examination

(commences from date of submission)

Hearing to assess the soundness of the plan

Consultation on Modifications

Publication of Inspector's report

Feb 2014

June 2014

October 2014

Adoption The council adopts the DM policies plan December 2014


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