Noise from railways
If you have a problem with noise from trains, please contact the local train operator on 0800 022 3720 or email
Noise from aircraft
We have no powers to deal with noise from aircraft. To complain about aircraft noise please contact the relevant airport management or operator below.
Civil aircraft noise
The Department for Transport is responsible for the policy on civil aircraft noise in the UK.
Any complaints should be directed to the Civil Aviation website.
Military aircraft
Complaints about noise from military aircraft should be made by emailing or calling 01780 417558.
Police helicopter
Complaints about noise from the police helicopter should be made to the police on 101.
Loud music from vehicles
If you are being disturbed by loud music from a vehicle that is in a public area or on the public highway, it is a matter for the police.
Noise from roadworks and in the street
We are unable to deal with complaints about noise from people in the street or traffic.
Road repairs are vital to ensure the smooth and safe flow of traffic. Sometimes, to minimise disruption it's necessary for roadworks to be done at night.
The people responsible for carrying out roadworks must try to minimise noise impact by using appropriate techniques and equipment.
Report noise from roadworks
If you are disturbed by unreasonable amounts of noise from roadworks, report it using our contact us form (by choosing 'All other enquiries' from the Enquiry type drop-down list).