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Allotment site representatives, associations and groups

Site representatives

Site representatives are volunteers who support and represent site tenants by:

  • helping to raise problems for individual tenants on their site directly with the allotments officer, as well as representing tenant views when discussing rules and policy making regarding the allotments. They do not enforce allotment rules or take part in inspections.
  • taking part in the site reps forum, meeting with representatives from the council on a regular basis.
  • helping new tenants get started on their plot by helping them locate their plot and provide site specific advice.

The Norwich Site Reps Forum currently meets every two months to discuss issues, council policies and promoting allotments, as well bringing matters to the attention of the council officer.

An allotment association can send a representative to the forum to represent association members in matters discussed by the forum. Individual tenants can put themselves forward to represent their site.

To find out who your current site representative is email

How to become a site representative

If you would like to be considered for the role for your allotment site, please email the Norwich Site Reps Forum -

They will be able to provide the latest information about the role and to discuss any responsibilities you might like to take on.

Allotment associations

Associations support tenants, organise activities, promote allotments and represent their members to the council. They have regular meetings to discuss issues on the site.

Norwich Allotment Association offers membership to individuals and groups across the city. For details send an email to

Norfolk Organic Group is the local group for Garden Organic and the Soil Association, contact the association for talks and information on organic growing. This may be of interest to current plot holders and associations. Further information can be found on the Norfolk Organic website.

Allotments with their own groups and associations

Bluebell North
Bluebell Model Allotment Association: Visit the trading hut on Bluebell North where you can buy allotment essentials and find out more about getting started on your plot. The trading hut is open for most of the year on Thursdays from 2pm to 4pm, on Saturdays from 2pm to 4pm and on Sundays from 10am to midday. Contact for further information.

Strong Roots: Strong Roots is an exciting innovative therapeutic garden project in Norwich. It is based on four adjoining allotments which are being developed into a shared garden. People who benefit from it include those who experience social isolation. No gardening experience is required. Visit the Strong Roots website for further information.

Bluebell South
Sustainable Living Initiative is a social enterprise that manages a community allotment scheme based at Bluebell South. Its volunteers support people to grow their own fruit and vegetables using organic methods. Contact or visit the Sustainable Living Initiative website.

Catton Grove
There is a community plot on Catton Grove allotments. Current contact details are available on the site gate.

Cottage Farm
Cottage Farm Allotment and Leisure Gardeners Association organise regular social and horticultural events, regular tea mornings, and sell essentials through the site hut. They also maintain communal sheds on the allotments and are developing a shared community plot on the site. Visit the site hut on Cottage Farm allotments for further information.

Elm Grove Lane
Elm Grove Lane Allotment Association arranges social and horticultural events as well as providing advice and support for new and existing plot holders. For further information please email

Mousehold Avenue North
Stepping Stones Project run their Green Fingers plot from Mousehold Avenue North. The charity supports adults with learning difficulties. More information can be found on the Stepping Stones website.

Mousehold Avenue South
Mousehold South Allotment Association organises regular social and horticultural events. They also help promote the allotments locally and have won prizes for their community plot such. They took first place in Community Gardens and Growing Projects category as part of Norwich in Bloom 2018. Visit the mini-plots and site shed at plot 43.

There are currently no available registered groups or associations operating on the following allotments:

  • Bellacre
  • Brickfields
  • Harford Hills
  • Lakenham
  • Lakenham Baths
  • Marston Lane
  • Sycamore Crescent
  • Valpy Avenue
  • Wall Road
  • Woodlands
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