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Tenants in the private rented sector

A safe, decent and affordable home is central to residents being able to enjoy a good quality of life.

As housing authority for the city, Norwich City Council is a regulator of private sector housing provision, which includes owner-occupied properties, social rented properties not let by the council and properties in the private rented sector.

With continued barriers to home ownership and limited social rented homes, the private rented sector looks set to remain an important source of housing for the foreseeable future.

For many it is the only choice available, but in many cases it is far from being affordable and ,where a landlord is not meeting minimum standard, it can mean poor property conditions and an insecure tenancy.

Making modifications to improve a home including its physical and legal security can lead to enhanced health and well-being that not only benefits the individual but also brings wider social and economic benefits.

The council’s ambition is that tenants in the private rented sector have a safe, decent and affordable home. To achieve this we will promote tenant’s rights through the Norwich Private Renters’ Charter and take enforcement action against landlords where conditions do not meet minimum standards.

Norwich Private Renters' Charter

Action Plan

For more local advice and information, please visit the Norfolk Community Advice Network.

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