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Local Plan documents and maps

The Norwich Local Plan policies map illustrates the policies of the Development Management Policies Plan and was adopted alongside them in 2014. Following Norwich’s adoption of the Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP) in March 2024, the Site Allocations and site-specific document has been superseded. This means that the site allocations shown with a red outline in the policies maps below are no longer part of the adopted local plan for Norwich. The adopted GNLP site allocations in Norwich are in the Norwich Policies Map booklet (pdf on GNLP website). GNLP Site allocation policies in Norwich, including maps, are available for the Strategic Sites (East Norwich, Anglia Square, Three Score and Norwich Airport) pdf and here for other sites (pdf).

Adopted Norwich development management policies local plan document

Local Plan Policies maps

Following Norwich’s adoption of the Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP) in March 2024, the Site Allocations and site-specific document has been superseded. This means that the site allocations shown with a red outline in the maps below are no longer part of the adopted local plan for Norwich and: 

The development management policies in the Policies Maps below remain part of the adopted local plan.

Please note that the versions of the Local Plan and policies map published in hard copy and as pdf files above are the definitive versions of the documents as formally adopted by the city council on 1 December 2014. They have legal force in planning decisions from that date.

Misprints and errors since adoption of the Local Plan

A very small number of misprints and other minor errors have been identified in the supporting text to the Development Management Policies Plan since it was adopted. The policies are not affected. These are listed in the erratum document below and have been incorporated where practicable in the interactive version of the plan text online.

Erratum documents

In the event of any discrepancies between the two versions, the plan text as adopted (pdf files and hard copy) takes precedence. 


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