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City centre site specific allocations

CC24: Land to rear of City Hall


The former City Hall car park site is located to the rear of City Hall and is 0.4 hectares in size. The site was previously used as a surface car park and is currently used by Norfolk Constabulary for parking and other police activities.
This open site is dominated by large scale civic buildings. There is some relatively recent housing to the west, whilst St Giles Street to the north retains its mixed historic character. There are green areas and mature trees on the site’s northern boundary. The site is in the city centre Conservation Area, the Area of Main Archaeological Interest, and is surrounded by listed buildings.
The immediate surroundings of the site contain main public buildings forming the civic heart of Norwich. These include the Police Station and former Fire Station, the refurbished market place, and the Forum building. There is easy pedestrian access to the site.
Explanatory text

The redevelopment of the former City Hall car park site presents an opportunity to make efficient use of land that is in a sustainable city centre location and has the potential to bring greater activity into this area.
Development should address a number of constraints, including its location within the city centre Conservation Area and the Area of Main Archaeological Interest, trees on the northern part of the site, topography, access, the setting of listed buildings, and its relationship with neighbouring housing development.
The site is suitable for a range of uses including residential, office, leisure or limited retail provision, which should be directed to the St Giles Street frontage. Development may require the demolition of existing on-site structures. Its design must respect and enhance the adjacent City Hall and Police Station building which is grade II* listed.  There are significant opportunities to enhance views into and across the site.
The site is adjacent to the core pedestrian network, therefore development should seek to enhance the existing north-south pedestrian link between St Giles Street and Bethel Street. The site is suitable for car free development.
The site is currently below surrounding ground levels.  Given the significant change in topography across the site, it may be necessary to raise the ‘active’ parts of the development to above existing ground levels.  This could present an opportunity to provide basement car parking or residential / commercial storage, subject to careful designs for access provision.

The site is owned by Norwich City council and is suitable and available for development during the plan period. 
POLICY CC24: Land to rear of City Hall – mixed use development

Land to rear of City Hall is allocated for mixed use development. The mix will include residential, office, leisure and/or limited retail provision.

Development should take account the following:

  • Design should respect the City centre conservation area appraisal and the existing relationship with City Hall;
  • The north-south pedestrian link should be enhanced.

A minimum of 20 dwellings could be provided on this site, as part of a mixed use development scheme.

Site specific Allocation Land, Land to rear of City Hall

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