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City centre site specific allocations

CC18: 140-154 Oak Street


This brownfield site of 0.15 hectares was occupied by housing prior to the Second World War and is currently in industrial and business use, consisting of low quality single storey industrial buildings and hardstanding.
The site lies within a mixed residential, industrial and commercial quarter in the north-east of the city centre. It lies on the east side of Oak Street with recent housing and older industrial units opposite, disused industrial premises to the north and the residential gardens of comparatively recent terrace housing in Chatham Street to the east.
The site immediately adjoining to the north (70-72 Sussex Street) has planning permission for redevelopment for 9 houses, 8 apartments and commercial floorspace. The nightclub premises to the south (The Talk), together with the adjoining industrial site at 114 Oak Street, have outline planning permission for redevelopment for 58 dwellings providing a mix of houses and flats. Both permissions were issued in 2009.
Explanatory text

The site provides the opportunity for new housing on a brownfield site with excellent access to jobs and services in the city centre and neighbouring shopping facilities within the nearby Large District Centre centred on Anglia Square. The adopted NCCAAP identifies the Oak Street North sub area within which the site lies as an area of change and shows a number of opportunity sites for potential redevelopment within it (including the site to the south) but does not allocate this site specifically. Policy LU3 of the NCCAAP requires housing development outside the core area of Anglia Square to provide at least 50% of units suitable for occupation by a family with children. 
The site is on the strategic cycle network defined in the Norwich area transportation strategy (NATS).
The City centre conservation area appraisal identifies the site as being part of the “Northern Riverside” area of the centre, in which former industrial and commercial uses are steadily being converted to or replaced by housing. The Oak Street area north of the inner ring road is particularly identified as a major development opportunity. The appraisal identifies the site itself as having negative buildings and contributing to negative vistas along Oak Street.  Redevelopment provides the opportunity for a significant enhancement of the street scene. Consideration should be given to retaining the willow tree, the importance of which is highlighted in the appraisal, on the street frontage.
The form of development could reinstate the historic pattern of yards and courts and could be integrated with the site to the north (CC19, 70-72 Sussex Street). Access should be taken from Oak Street. The location of the site within an Area of Main Archaeological Interest requires an archaeological investigation to be carried out prior to development.
In addition development may need to address possible contamination issues.

The site is owned by Norwich City Council and is suitable and available for development within the plan period.
POLICY CC18: 140-154 Oak Street – housing development

The site (0.15 hectares) is allocated for housing (in the region of 10 dwellings). 

Development will:

  • be two to three storeys;
  • include at least half of the dwellings as family housing;
  • create a frontage to Oak Street and, if feasible, reinstate historic layouts by grouping buildings around an internal courtyard; and
  • include pedestrian links to adjoining sites.

Site specific Allocation Land, 140-154 Oak Street

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