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City centre site specific allocations

CC17b: Whitefriars


The site includes part of the former Jarrolds printing works site fronting Whitefriars and is 0.9 hectares in size. The site has vehicle access via St James Court off the north end of Whitefriars. The site is now cleared and is largely used as a temporary surface car park up to the city wall to the east.
This site is adjacent to the Barrack Street site, also part of the former Jarrolds printing works and allocated in this plan under policy CC17a. These sites are being treated separately in this plan as they are physically separated by the line of the city wall, have separate access arrangements, and have different site constraints.
The site sits in an ‘edge of city centre’ location just inside the inner ring road and is surrounded by a wide range of uses. It borders the Puppet Theatre (within the converted grade I listed St James’ Church), which is adjacent to the Whitefriars roundabout, and the former Priory site which is currently used for offices with a newly erected office building fronting Whitefriars. There are also some small retail and takeaway units fronting Barrack Street, including those within the grade II listed buildings, 77-79 Barrack Street. This part of the site is also in close proximity to the grade I listed St James’ Mill.
The site is also on the edge of the northern city centre as defined in the NCCAAP. The NCCAAP proposes a new key pedestrian route linking Magdalen Street to Whitefriars as part of new development (policy WW1).
Explanatory text

The Whitefriars site offers another important opportunity for an office led development in the city centre. The site is suitable for office development although it has a temporary permission for a replacement surface car park.
The site is within the City Centre Conservation Area and the Area of Main Archaeological Interest, and is adjacent to a number of listed buildings and the city wall. The design therefore should respect the setting of the conservation area, these listed buildings, and the Scheduled Ancient Monument. An archaeological assessment should also be undertaken.
Development of the site should take into account the recommendations in the City centre conservation area appraisal, including:

  • Maintain, enhance and create river footpaths at rear of St James Mill
  • Maximise the views across, from and of the river
  • Enhance the setting of the city wall and neighbouring listed buildings.

The entire site falls into Flood Zone 2 and is over 1 hectare in size. Therefore a flood risk assessment is required for this site and appropriate mitigation measures must be provided as part of the development.
The site lies adjacent to the River Wensum. A written consent from the Environment Agency is required for works or structures, in, under, over or within 9 metres of the top of the bank of a designated ‘main river’. It is recommended that developers engage in early discussions with the Environment Agency. The site may also be subject to possible contamination.
Development should take into account any mature trees on the river edge. 

The site is suitable and available for development.

POLICY CC17b:  Whitefriars – mixed use development

Land at Whitefriars is allocated for office led mixed use development. 
The development should:

  • provide access to the river and a riverside walk;
  • respect the setting of the conservation area, neighbouring listed buildings and the city wall;
  • be accessed from St James Court; and
  • provide space to accommodate the Jarrolds Print Museum and associated heritage interpretation.

Site specific Allocation Land, Whitefriars

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