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My Norwich

Tenancy Strategy 2023

Tenancy sustainment

Norwich City Council has various services which provide targeted interventions support and Independent Living Teams. We work in partnership with agencies, third sector and voluntary organisations, NHS, and independent commissioning boards to increase tenants’ capacity to sustain their tenancies.  

Register providers are expected to consider and provide tenants throughout their tenure, advice, guidance, or support in relation to:

  • regular tenancy reviews and visits
  • identifying support for mobility and adaptations
  • challenging times and life events - referrals and housing staff working with specialist care and support agencies to identify the best support available for short term interventions.
  • experiencing hardship and needing welfare support – each person is impacted in different ways and timely advice and support must be available at the earliest point, rather than during times of crisis.
  • maintaining housing land and the local environment – long term needs of a household and everyday livelihood within their surroundings
  • safety inside their home and in communal areas.
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