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Tenancy Strategy 2024


Norwich City Council is a local authority housing provider. We have more than 18,000 homes across the city, of which 14,050 are available for let and 3,300 are leasehold. 

In the 10 years since we published our last Tenancy Strategy, the national housing landscape has changed. Rising homelessness, high rents in private housing, the Grenfell fire tragedy, Covid, and the cost of living, are just some of the issues driving social housing reform. We have evolved our strategy with these changing times, but our stance on lifetime (secure) tenancies remains the same. We grant secure tenancies, after tenants successfully complete an introductory tenancy. 

We want our 14,050 secure tenants to live well and thrive in their homes and local community. The Tenancy Strategy explains what we expect from Registered Providers of social housing, and what we expect for tenants, including:

  • the types of tenancies that will be granted. 
  • the length of fixed-term tenancies when these are granted. 
  • the circumstances under which a particular type of tenancy will be granted. 
  • the process for reviewing tenancies.

This strategy will contribute to mixed and balanced communities, with individuals and families settled in decent homes that they value, with advice and support delivered by people who care. It complements our overriding aims and priorities identified in our Corporate Plan 2022-26

Beth Jones
Portfolio Holder for housing and community safety

Louise Rawsthorne
Chief Executive, Norwich City Council

If you would like this information in another language or format such as large print, CD or Braille please visit or call 0344 980 3333.

You can also download the Tenancy Strategy as a pdf.

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