To ensure the Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence response in Norfolk is as joined up as possible, Norwich City Council are signed up partners of the Norfolk County Community Safety Partnership’s (NCCSP), Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Delivery Group (DASVG), the Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board (NSAB) and the Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSCP) and have collaborated to create a joined-up strategy, responding to Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence.
In response to the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 a Norfolk-wide Support in Safe Accommodation Strategy 2021-24 was created by the Norfolk Domestic Abuse Partnership that consists of Norwich City Council, other Norfolk district councils, Norfolk County Council and other housing and statutory and voluntary partners. The strategy was formulated following an accommodation and support needs assessment that is required to be undertaken every three years.
We recognise that no single organisation will have a complete picture of the life of a family or individual living with domestic abuse but may have insights that are crucial to their support and safety. We recognise the importance of working collaboratively with other agencies to provide support to victims of domestic abuse and to contribute to an effective Co-ordinated Community Response. Examples of other partners include (but are not limited to):
- The police
- Health Providers
- Specialist domestic abuse support agencies
- Independent Domestic-Based Violence Advocates (IDVAs)
- Legal advisory services
- Victim support services
- Education
- Social Care
- Learning Disabilities Partnership (LDP)
- Gypsy Traveller Liaison Officer(s) (Where required)
- Other housing partners
(Further information about information sharing and consent is provided in Section 5).
Some members of staff throughout the organisation receive enhanced training and are Domestic Abuse Support Champions. They are available to offer support and advice to colleagues in relation to good practice. Their role is also to raise awareness of domestic abuse and ensure staff know how to access support.
Members of our Housing Enforcement Team, Housing Advice Team, Environmental Health teams and the Communities team also attend multi-agency working groups and panels on a regular basis as well as sharing information internally between teams. Partnership groups include:
- Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board
- Norfolk Domestic Abuse Partnership Board
- The Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Group (DASVG)
- Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) Senior Management Board
- Domestic Abuse Partnership Perpetrator Approach (DAPPA)
- Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)
- Norfolk Domestic Homicide reviews
- Norfolk Community Safety Partnership (CSP) Problem Solving Group-Adults
In addition, officers take advantage of opportunities to participate in regional and national discussion forums through attendance at Regional DAHA events and through participation in the National Housing Federation’s Domestic Abuse core group.