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Supporting residents experiencing domestic abuse

Perpetrator management

When supporting someone experiencing abuse, we will take account of their wishes and not assume that they wish the matter to be reported to the police or that they want a shared living arrangement to end. If the survivor wishes to remain with the perpetrator, any decisions around support will be based on the specific risks associated with the situation. Housing advice staff are trained in DASH risk assessments and are also encouraged to refer to the specialist Independent Domestic Violence Advisory Service where there are concerns.

Where it is appropriate for enforcement action to be taken (for example, reporting to the police, action against a tenancy), council staff will do so.

It is also recognised that, from time to time, housing advice and housing services staff may be expected to support a perpetrator with their housing options. There is no blanket policy to prevent perpetrators from accessing social housing via the Home Option Scheme, although the policy does allow exclusions based on behaviour. Any decisions to exclude someone will be on a case by case basis and informed by the level of risk to associated parties if an exclusion was to exist.

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