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Supporting residents experiencing domestic abuse


Norwich City Council is committed to ensuring that all residents experiencing domestic abuse are responded to in an appropriate and sensitive manner and that staff act in a believing, non-judgemental way. This policy sets out the level of service we aim to provide. At all times it is the organisation’s intention to increase victim safety, housing security and hold perpetrators to account for their harm.

For the purposes of this policy, the statutory definition of abuse applies and incorporates behaviours of violence as well as other forms of abuse, including economic abuse and coercive control.

The council has signed an agreement with Norfolk County Council to work within their adult safeguarding policy guidelines and procedures. More information can be read at the Norfolk County Council website.

This Domestic Abuse Policy should be read in conjunction with our Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk of Harm Policy which provides an overarching approach to the council’s response to all safeguarding matters. In addition, the housing department’s Antisocial Behaviour Policy and the Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board Multi-Agency Safeguarding Policy are related policies. How we respond to domestic abuse is set out within these documents.

The council also has a policy (under review) for any staff members that may be experiencing domestic abuse, which can be found by staff on our intranet. 

You can also download the policy as a pdf.

If you would like this information in another language or format such as large print, CD or Braille please visit or call 0344 980 3333.

Published November 2023.

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