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Biodiversity Strategy 2022-32

Council Biodiversity Policy and the 2040 City Vision

Taking action to redress the climate and environmental emergencies are key policy priorities for the council and form central planks of the Norwich 2040 City Vision (hereafter ‘the Vision’). 

Existing policy statements include:

a)  Environmental Policy
Appendix A of the Environmental Strategy 2020-25 states that the council will monitor its resource for:

  • Protecting and enhancing habitat and biodiversity 

b)  Development Plan Policies, which are listed in Appendix section 1.1

New policy statement
The following new policy statement has been agreed as part of the process of producing this Strategy. This statement supersedes the previous statement made in Appendix A of the Environmental Strategy 2020-25:

  • Create a city where biodiversity can sustainably recover and thrive, halt species decline and increase species diversity and abundance by 2030 or sooner

One of the 5 themes of The Vision is to create a Liveable City, which includes:

  • Protecting and maintaining our green and open spaces to improve biodiversity 

The aims and objectives of this Strategy describe how Council policy and the Vision will be effectively and reliably delivered upon, and how legislation will be adhered to.

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