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Anti-fraud and corruption policy


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Norwich City Council is committed to the highest standards of financial probity and takes its duty to protect the public funds it administers very seriously.

This policy provides a clear framework for the council to investigate suspected fraud thoroughly, to prosecute wherever the evidence supports such action and seek recovery of defrauded monies through all possible legal means. This policy also applies to the Bribery Act 2010.

The council administers significant public funds and is sometimes targeted by persons wishing to defraud the public purse. This policy, and the structures maintained by the council, demonstrates that we will make every effort to identify attempts to defraud the public purse and will robustly pursue individuals responsible.

The council, through this policy, has adopted a zero tolerance approach towards fraud. This includes:

  • the referral of matters to the police for investigation wherever appropriate and the full recovery of fraudulently obtained public funds by all legal means
  • the prosecution of persons responsible for defrauding the council including prosecution through civil and criminal courts in the council’s own name or through the police
  • the termination of contracts with partners and contractors
  • the dismissal of employees proven to have defrauded or who have attempted to defraud the council, including where an employee is complicit with another person’s attempts to defraud the council.

The council requires all partners and contractors to assist in this role and cooperate with any fraud investigation undertaken by authorised council officers.

Councillor Ben Price, Audit committee chair    

Stephen Evans, Chief executive officer

February 2021

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