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Whistleblowing policy

Annex B

General survey

(1)  Have you thought about using the whistleblowing policy in the last 12 months?
(2)  If yes, but you didn’t make a referral, what prevented you?
(3)  On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being perfect) how would you rate the policy in meeting the needs of someone who has concerns about the councils services?
(4)  If you answered less than 10, what can we do to change so that we would score 10?

Specific Survey for those who have raised a concern

(1)  On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being perfect) how good do you feel the council’s whistleblowing arrangements are?
(2)  If you answered less than 10, what can we do to improve so that we would have scored a 10?
(3)  Were you able to obtain sufficient advice before making your referral?
(4)  Did you use normal management structures or the corporate officers?
(5)  Were your concerns properly addressed?
(6)  Were the implications of a referral (e.g. confidentiality and timescales) explained to you?
(7)    Were you provided with regular feedback (if you wanted it)?
(8)    If you asked for confidentiality was that effectively provided?
(9)    Do you feel you suffered harassment, victimisation or any other negative consequence from raising your concern?

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