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Whistleblowing policy

Annex A

Procedure for contractors / partners, employees of subsidiaries

9.1  As a first step contractors should normally raise concerns with their manager, who will then inform the lead council officer who is dealing with that particular contract. If contractors do not have a manager, they should raise their concerns direct with the lead council officer. This depends on the seriousness and sensitivity of the issues involved and who is suspected of the malpractice. For example, if contractors believe that their manager or lead council officer is involved, they should approach either the s.151 officer, monitoring officer, chief executive or head of internal audit at the council directly. Otherwise, the lead council officer receiving notification of concerns under this policy will inform the s.151 officer, monitoring officer, chief executive or head of internal audit that a confidential report has been received and provide a copy.
9.2 If the concern relates to financial irregularities or failures of financial controls the lead council officer receiving the report will also immediately notify either of the s.151 officer, monitoring officer, chief executive or head of internal audit.
9.3  Concerns may be raised verbally or in writing. Individuals who wish to make a written report are invited to use the following format:

  • the background and history of the concern, giving relevant dates if possible
  • the reason why the individual is particularly concerned about the situation.

9.4  It should be noted that often the earlier a concern is expressed the easier it is to take appropriate action.
9.5  Advice and guidance on how specific matters of concern may be pursued can be obtained internally from the internal audit service. Alternatively contractors may wish to get confidential advice from their trade union or professional association.
9.6  Contractors may wish to consider discussing their concerns with a colleague first and may find it easier to raise the matter if there are two (or more) of you who have had the same experience or concerns.
9.7  Contractors may invite someone, such as their trade union or a work colleague, to be present during any meetings or interviews in connection with the concerns they have raised.

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