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Norwich Home Options Allocation Scheme

Monitoring/changes to the scheme

7.1  Scheme monitoring

7.1.1  The scheme will be monitored directly by the Housing Options manager. The manager will, where necessary make recommendations for changes to the scheme, taking into consideration the following:

  • Application and bidding data, property turnover and demand
  • That the highest needs applicants and those who are vulnerable are using the scheme effectively
  • The scheme’s performance in meeting its agreed targets
  • Feedback from applicants and stakeholders
  • That the scheme continues to address local housing issues.

7.2  Changes to the scheme

7.2.1  The council reserves the right to expand, change or alter any element of the scheme, as and when required, to meet changes in housing need, capacity, resources and legislation. Any major changes to the scheme will be carried out through a report of the Housing Options Manager to the council executive, following consultation with scheme landlords.

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