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Whistleblowing policy

Overview and contacts

The council wants you to be confident that your concerns will be taken seriously and that you will be protected from victimisation or bullying or harassment if you raise a concern.

If you have a concern about the council’s services please read this policy. We can give confidential advice about concerns you may have regarding the council and its services.

We encourage people to raise their concerns under this procedure in the first instance. If you are not sure whether to raise a concern, you can discuss the issue and/or policy with:

You can also raise any concerns to Protect on 020 3117 2520, email whistle@protect-, or use the contact form.

Protect - formerly Public Concern at Work - are leading experts in whistleblowing. They are an independent charity and information provided to them is protected under the Public Interest Disclosures Act. Their helpline is where their lawyers provide confidential advice free of charge.

Guidance is also available from the direct government website which has links to the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) for help and advice on resolving a workplace disputes.

All concerns will be treated in confidence and every effort will be made not to reveal the identity of the person highlighting the concern.

September 2021

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