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Closed consultation: Draft Biodiversity Strategy 2022-2032 and Biodiversity Action Plan

Consultation closed 31 August 2022

We are seeking your feedback and ideas to inform our Biodiversity Strategy 2022-2032 and the associated Biodiversity Action Plan.

The draft Biodiversity Strategy 2022-2032 is a key part of delivering against our priorities and ambitions to address the twin climate and biodiversity emergencies. The associated action plan is being developed and hasn't been published yet. We want your ideas for specific opportunities to help improve biodiversity across the city, which will then be added to the plan.

The council has already carried out significant work to improve the quality of our local nature reserves and wildlife sites in order to increase biodiversity. But we want to go further and faster - this new strategy sets out our ambition, proposing an enhanced commitment to ‘create a city where biodiversity can recover and thrive, halt species decline and increase species diversity and abundance by 2030’.

How to comment

To read the draft strategy and respond to the survey, you will need to go to our Get Talking Norwich site.

The survey will close on 31 August.

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