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My Norwich

Attendance and speaking at meetings

Members of the public and the media have the right to attend meetings of full council, cabinet and other committees – except where confidential information or exempt information is likely to be disclosed. These meetings are held in private.

Anyone living in Norwich or any other person entitled to stand as a candidate for election to the city council may put a question to the leader of the council, a cabinet member or the chair of a committee at ordinary meetings of the council, cabinet and at some committee meetings. These can be on any matter of council business or issues which affect the Norwich area.

A question may only be asked if notice has been received in writing or email, direct from the questioner, by the council's democratic services team: no later than 10am, five clear working days before the meeting.

At any one meeting no one can submit more than one question, and no more than one question may be asked on behalf of one organisation. 

If you would like to submit a question or have any questions about attending or speaking at meetings, please contact us.

Appropriate questions

Democratic services may reject a question if it:

(a) is not about a matter:
        (i) for which the council has a responsibility or
        (ii) which particularly affects the city; 
(b) is defamatory, frivolous or offensive; 
(c) is a statement rather than a question; 
(d) relates to an individual or the questioner’s own particular circumstances;  
(e) is substantially the same as a question which has been put at a meeting of the council in the past six months; 
(f) requires the disclosure of confidential or exempt information as defined in the Access to Information Procedure Rules see Part 4 of the Constitution 
(g) names or identifies individual service users, officers or members/staff of partner agencies; 
(h) is not submitted within the requisite time frame; 
(i) does not give the name and address of the questioner; 
(j) exceeds 150 words.

Dates for submitting questions - September 2024 to April 2025


Date of meeting 10am deadline for questions
Tuesday 24 September 2024 Monday 16 September 2024
Tuesday 19 November 2024 Monday 11 November 2024
Tuesday 21 January 2025 Monday 13 January 2025
Wednesday 12 February 2025 Tuesday 4 February 2025
Tuesday 18 March 2025 Monday 10 March 2025


Date of meeting 10am deadline date for questions
Wednesday 11 September 2024 Tuesday 3 September 2024
Wednesday 16 October 2024 Tuesday 8 October 2024
Wednesday 13 November 2024 Tuesday 5 November 2024
Wednesday 11 December 2024 Tuesday 3 December 2024
Wednesday 15 January 2025 Tuesday 7 January 2025
Wednesday 5 February 2025 Tuesday 28 January 2025
Wednesday 5 March 2025 Tuesday 25 February 2025

If you wish to speak on a planning or licensing issue there are other rules for speaking at these meetings. Please contact the relevant committee officer shown on the front of the agenda.

We do not have public questions at the Annual General Meeting

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