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Houses in multiple occupation

A House in Multiple Occupation is commonly referred to as an HMO. There are approximately 3,000 HMOs in Norwich but only certain properties are required to be licensed under the national mandatory scheme. The council does not operate additional or selective licensing.

In addition to safety regulations, all HMOs (even those which do not need a licence) need to comply with regulations which set basic management standards.

See the current licensed HMOs

Section 232 of the Housing Act, 2004, states that the council is required by law to keep a register of all the HMO licences that are in force. The register, which we redact, must include the name and address of the licence holder and the address of the licensed HMO.  We are also required to make that information available to members of the public.

The council therefore cannot withhold the information from someone making an FOI request for the complete register and who may then use it for marketing.

The links below provide information and guidance to landlords, property managers and letting agents on the legislation and requirements specific to all HMOs, including the Housing Act 2004, fire, gas, and electrical safety, amenities to be provided, management regulations, and licence conditions applicable to the small number of HMOs required to be licensed.

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