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Article 4 directions in a conservation area

Article 4 directions apply to selected houses within conservation areas. This means that planning permission is required for changes to these properties that would normally be permitted development.

The directions are only in place where it is considered desirable to preserve or reinstate original building features in order to maintain and enhance the historic and architectural character of a conservation area.

In Norwich we have seven directions covering predominantly Victorian houses in Heigham Grove and Bracondale, 1960s and 1970s properties in Conesford Drive and Churston Close in Bracondale, and two groups of Victorian terrace houses in the city centre on Bishopgate and Calvert Street. These were implemented following an assessment of the conservation areas as part of the preparation for conservation area appraisals

Guidance notes for houses in Bracondale and Heigham Grove

Please note: there are no guidance notes for the city centre as the groups of houses are small, however, elements of the Heigham Grove guidance notes are applicable to these terraces.

Article 4 areas and properties affected

See notices, maps and directions

External links

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