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Planned upgrades to council homes

The city council carries out a five year rolling programme of condition surveys of all its homes. These stock condition surveys give us:

  • an overall picture of housing stock condition in each neighbourhood
  • an assessment of the energy efficiency of our housing stock
  • an assessment of the funding required to modernise and upgrade homes

The results of these surveys help us plan what work is required in your homes and neighbourhoods. Improvement and upgrade work we carry out as a result of these surveys includes:

  • new kitchens
  • new bathrooms
  • new central heating systems
  • cavity wall insulation
  • external cladding
  • electrical rewires
  • water mains renewal
  • repointing work
  • structural work
  • UPVC windows
  • rainwater goods
  • fascias and soffits
  • composite front and rear doors

These surveys provide us with up to date information which is used to develop housing policies; allocate resources to combat disrepair and other stock condition issues; and ensure that our properties meet the Norwich Standard.

What is the Norwich Standard?

We have a 30 year programme of investment into council homes. The Norwich Standard is:

  • no kitchen is over 20 years old
  • no bathroom is over 30 years old

We also improve electrical installations, roofing and entrance doors. When appliances need replacing, we fit new energy efficient, eco-friendly versions in their place.

How work is programmed

All council properties are surveyed every five years. They record information about the condition of different elements within a property, such as the kitchen, bathroom, windows,doors, roof etc. This information is then fed into a database, so that we can accurately identify and prioritise future work programmes and ensure that money is spent in a timely and cost effective manner.

Not all properties will require upgrading, but all properties will be surveyed to identify improvement work is required. A survey is not a guarantee that any work will be carried out, as decisions are not made until the end of the year when all relevant data has been gathered.

It is very important that you allow us access to your home in order for these surveys to be conducted. We cannot determine if your home would benefit from improvement work without an up-to-date assessment of the condition of your property.

If your home is included in a programme of improvement work we will write to you. It will not be possible at that time to tell you exactly when the work will be completed. All improvement work planned during a financial year is carried out between 1 April and 31 March of the following year. The work is generally carried out in a phased, area- based manner. The contractor carrying out the work will contact you closer to the time to arrange a convenient start date.

Do I have to have the work done?

Section 10 of your tenancy agreement covers improvements and alterations to your home. We carry out these improvements for the long-term benefit of our properties. Generally, you can choose whether to get the improvement work done.

However, in certain instances, we may insist that the work is done. For example, if the work is being carried out for health and safety reasons or if it is for the overall benefit of the neighbourhood.

Please remember this is an opportunity to get your home improved and updated. If you choose to refuse work when planned improvements are taking place in your neighbourhood and then change your mind, this work will not be programmed in again until the following financial year. This is because the majority of our programmes of work are phased and carried out on an area basis.

If you refuse any element of improvement work you will be asked to sign a refusal form by the contractor.

Will my rent change?

The improvement work will not increase your current rent. See details on how your rent is set.

Do I stay in my home during programmed improvement work?

The answer is usually yes. However, in exceptional circumstances - such as if remaining in your home whilst the work is carried out would be detrimental to your personal health or safety, or if the proposed work is extensive and would affect many rooms within your home at the same time - you may be offered temporary accommodation while the work is carried out. At the end of every working day you will be left with washing and cooking facilities, although these may be temporary until the work is complete.

Further information

If you have any questions or would like more information about our improvement programmes, such as when your property is due to be considered for improvement work, please get in touch.

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