Norwich City Council area: 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025
- Category S1, 1 bedroom (shared accommodation) - £90.56 per week
- Category B1, 1 bedroom (self-contained accommodation) - £135.78 per week
- Category C2, 2 bedrooms - £159.95 per week
- Category D3, 3 bedrooms - £184.11 per week
- Category E4, 4 bedrooms - £264.66 per week
The LHA that is used to work out your benefit will depend on how many people are in your household.
Allow one bedroom for *
- every adult couple
- any other adult aged 16 or over
- any two children aged under 10
- any two children of the same sex aged under 16
- any other child (under 16)
* Single claimants under 35 years old may only be entitled to the one bedroom (shared accommodation) LHA.
An additional bedroom may also be allowed for registered foster carers; non-resident overnight carer; or a severely disabled child who is unable to share with another child. You can only have a maximum of four bedrooms allowed under the size criteria.
If you are unsure about how the size criteria may be measured for your household, please contact the housing benefit team at Norwich City Council