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Greater Norwich Homelessness Strategy 2020-2025

The Greater Norwich Homelessness Strategy 2020-2025 continues the collaborative approach to tackling homelessness in Greater Norwich, bringing together local authority partners, housing and health, and the voluntary sector including the faith- based sector.

It has been published following a consultation period last year and approval from each council’s cabinet.

The strategy sets out to protect those at risk of homelessness in the Greater Norwich area including the Broadland District Council and Norwich City Council areas, as well as South Norfolk.

Our primary aim is to put people at the heart of our service delivery where we can create a wrap-around offer that helps people to take control of their own circumstances earlier, stopping them from becoming homeless.

The strategy has four main priorities:

  • Domestic Abuse
  • Single and Youth Homelessness
  • Preventing Homelessness
  • Financial Inclusion, Welfare Reform and Economic Growth

The strategy and its action plans will be monitored across the Greater Norwich area by officers from South Norfolk Council, Norwich City Council and Broadland District Council as well as representatives from statutory and voluntary sector organisations in the Greater Norwich homelessness forum.

Download the Greater Norwich Homelessness Strategy 2020-2025

If you'd like further information on the Homelessness Strategy or to request it in a different format such as large print, please contact



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