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Leaseholders' handbook


In the past asbestos was widely used in construction and DIY materials because of its heat and chemical resistant properties.

It can commonly be found in locations such as ceiling and wall boards, bath panels, textured coatings, rainwater goods, floor tiles, heating appliances and ducting.

The council does not have responsibility for materials containing asbestos within leaseholders’ properties.

However, we do have a responsibility for materials containing asbestos on the exterior and in the common areas (including roof spaces, stairwells). If you notice any damage to materials in the common areas you should report this to the council.

The Health and Safety Executive recommends that asbestos is left in place wherever possible as it does not pose a risk if it is left undisturbed and is undamaged.

You should always take care when carrying out a DIY project.

If you are considering working on materials you think may contain asbestos you should always seek advice from a licensed asbestos removal contractor (a list of these can be found online).

A licensed contractor will ensure there is no danger of contaminating your home or other areas. Advice may also be sought from environmental health or the Health and Safety Executive (please also see FAQ, Can I make changes to my property?)

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