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Leaseholders' handbook


The residents of Norwich, whether they are leaseholders, tenants or freeholders, all have the right to quiet enjoyment of their homes.

However, occasionally, some individuals may deliberately cause nuisance or behave in an antisocial manner.

Norwich City Council has a duty to have measures in place to deal with this. This includes working with other agencies, such as the police, to deal with hate crimes or harassment whether on the basis of race, religion or sexual orientation.

If a leaseholder complains about the behaviour of another resident, the council will investigate the complaint and either:

  • give you advice on how to pursue this matter yourself
  • put you in touch with another council department, such as environmental health
  • put you in touch with another agency, such as Norfolk Constabulary
  • take direct action, sometimes with our partner agencies.

Where the behaviour of a leaseholder or the sub-tenant of a leaseholder is the subject of complaint, the council will investigate the complaint and either:

  • contact another council department, such as environmental health
  • contact another agency, such as Norfolk Constabulary
  • take direct action
  • in the most serious cases, consider legal action.

Advice about nuisance or antisocial behaviour is available at or through our customer contact team on 0344 980 3333. In extreme cases where legal action is required, or the issues are very complex, the matter may be referred to the antisocial behaviour and tenancy enforcement team (ABATE) for further investigation.

This is a specialist team who has developed experience and expertise in dealing with these matters. Legal action is expensive and lengthy and the council will always try to resolve problems without resorting to the law. If legal action is required, evidence is needed and we work with our partners such as the Norfolk Constabulary, youth offending teams, social services, education services and, most importantly, the community.

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