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Leaseholders' handbook

Section 20 consultation

The council is required by law to consult leaseholders on works where their share exceeds £250, or long term contracts for goods or services which will result in a leaseholder paying more than £100 a year. This is called a section 20 consultation and when estimates for the work are received you will be written to giving details of the proposed work, the total cost and your contribution towards this.

This process is referred to as the consultation. We will ask you for any comments or observations you may have regarding the proposed works and give you a date by which these must be sent to us. You will be given at least 30 days to reply.

The council will consider any comments or observations received before deciding whether the work should go ahead. However, the council will not be able to take account of comments or observations that you may make about your own ability to pay your contribution.

The decision will be based on the need for the work and the benefits that will result to the building or estate as a whole.

If the work is urgent and delay could cause damage or danger, the council will inform you of the requirement to do the work and when it will be done.

Once the work is completed and the final costs known, the council will write to you again confirming the costs and your contribution towards them.

If you are aware of any problems with the work while the job is being done, please let us know as soon as possible so these can be addressed.

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