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Leaseholders' handbook

Major works

From time to time, the council will need to carry out major works to the building or estate containing your flat, maisonette or property.

What are major works?

Major works include such things as window or roof renewal, installation of controlled entry systems ,structural work, staircase replacement, decorations to communal areas etc. You can only be charged for major works in accordance with your lease and you will only be charged for major works where they have been carried out to your property, block or estate.

Are there any limitations on costs?

When the council sells a property under Right to Buy, it provides the new leaseholder with a section 125 notice. This notice must include details of any major works the council intends to carry out within the initial period of the lease (usually the first five years).

The details must include an itemised breakdown of the works planned along with an estimated cost for each item. During the initial period of the lease, you can only be charged for major works itemised on the section 125 notice. If works are carried out within the first five years and your share comes to more than the amount quoted on the section 125 notice, the cost can only be increased by an inflation allowance.

The initial period expires at the end of the fifth financial year after the property was sold, ie, up to the end of March after the fifth anniversary of the date of purchase.

If the property is re-sold within the first five years, the new leaseholder inherits the remainder of the initial period.

After the initial period has expired you will be required to contribute your full share of the cost of any works carried out by the council.

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