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Leaseholder repairs and improvements

Can I replace my own windows and doors?


You can replace your windows, but you must ask permission from the home ownership team before starting the work. You may also need planning approval in addition to your landlord’s consent.

Future repairs to any windows you replace remain the responsibility of the council. 

Front doors

You will not be able to install a new front door to your property if safety regulations state it needs to be a fire door. Please check with the home ownership team whether or not a fire door is required.

Most front doors are now required to be fire doors and the council has a scheduled programme to inspect and install them. Please contact the home ownership team if you think your fire door may require work outside of this programme.

If you do not need a fire door, you will be given permission to install your own door. 

Future repairs to any door that you replace remain the responsibility of the council. 

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